“As I understand it, getting permission to stay long term is going to be extremely difficult. My initial thought was that, since by the time I’ll be ready to head out there, I’ll have graduated from Torch and have two Bible-related degrees, I could get a job at a church with an English-speaking congregation and get some kind of work visa. I now know that that is completely out of the question.”
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Future plans
"Given Australia’s infamous origins and the very imminent probability of horrifying death that accompanies basically every conceivable activity its inhabitants engage in on a daily basis, I was always curious about what church life is like out there. Does their theology emphasize the afterlife more given the likelihood that they will all die as soon as they step outside? Has Satan been portrayed in their artwork as spiders and/or octopi with fangs the size of Fender Precision Basses? Instead of 'He’s got the whole world in His hands,' do they sing, 'He carries the whole world in His pouch?'"